And helping to save the planet.
We need a community of highly skilled…
After many years of management and consulting, I recognised a higher mission called ‘protecting the planet’ for our children’s and grand-children’s sake. But how?
Now, if theory was the important thing, let me tell you this: I have an office full of “stuff” plus academic literature … let me admit it: I have been hoarding “useful things and good ideas” over many years 🙂 a small forest of paper for recycling into toilet paper.
I have now combined and sorted practice-based change management and business development expertise from the whole of my working life. Instead of trying to cover everything as academics do or creating a proprietary system as big consultancies do, I want you to have my best practices and learning points and then we can co-create real world solutions. Real world = a planet in danger. It’s a huge task.
My Inner Circle is a subscription area where I can give you my most valuable lessons from management, psychology, coaching, mentoring and organisational change. Many topics that are hard to find in thick textbooks – practice rather theory. Some don’t even have scientific evidence because management and leadership is often more art than science anyway.
Topics will include: Effective project steering, root cause analysis, managing in times of crisis, team analysis, Kotter’s dual OS, setting up dialogues in M&A, strategic focus, LEAN and my 7 Domains for taking champions and high potential employees from team leaders into the boardroom.
Through 2019, Inner Circle Lab will be by personal invitation only. If you are an experienced manager, executive coach or management consultant, and you think you qualify. send a message to info (at)